Oden Island Nature Preserve

All dogs must be on a leash!

And please clean up after your pooches while using the trails. Learn More

Due to recent late night activities non-conducive to the quiet use of this nature preserve, we are temporarily setting the hours of visitation to be limited to sunrise to sunset.


50 acres


One mile on Crooked Lake.

Land Description

This preserve is composed of large old-growth trees and fragile wetlands.

Trail Description

Parking is found at the trailhead. Approximately one mile of foot trails skirts the island’s eastern perimeter. Look for two benches along the way for enjoying lakeside views.


A successful fundraising effort in 2000 resulted in the Conservancy’s purchase of this large, undeveloped waterfront property. The acquisition closed the door on a controversial 34-unit subdivision proposed for the site. Now the preserve helps maintain the water quality of Crooked Lake, which lies near the upper portion of the Inland Waterway, a 40-mile navigable waterway that boaters can take into Lake Huron at Cheboygan.

The protection of this property was an ideal example of a community coming together. A window of only three months was available to raise almost $1 million for the purchase. The result was an outpouring of support from many individuals, a family foundation, the lake association, and Littlefield Township.


ADDRESS: 3200 Leeward Drive, Petoskey From Petoskey, take US-31 north 3¼ miles to Pickerel Lake Road. Turn right and follow 4 miles until Pickerel turns into Channel Road. Follow Channel Road 1 mile to Oden Island Road and turn left. Once on the island, turn right on Leeward Drive and go to the end until you see the Conservancy logo sign.

Check out the plants and animals found at this preserve using the iNaturalist guide below. Help us document more with iNaturalist.org and eBird.org.


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