Please describe what portions of the property you visited, including boundaries you walked.
Is paint peeling, fungus growing, faded sign? Note action taken or repairs made.
Are blazes clear and effective? Are laminated maps water-logged, bent, faded etc? Should they be replaced with metal? If metal maps exist, are they in good condition?
Did you visit part or all of the property boundaries and are they marked sufficiently where neighbor activity is close to boundary of natural area? Should metal signs be posted to alert natural area users or neighbors of boundary?
If on the natural area, are they faded, covered in mold did you clean them, are they still relevant?
Is the treadway clear? Are there dangerous obstacles, roots to trip over, stumps to catch your shoe? Did you remove any of these obstacles or hazards? Should branches be brushed? Think about year-round use.
Is the fence around in good condition and effective? Should it be enlarged or are there large potholes? Is the entrance visible from the roadway?
Are there any hazards that should be addressed? Loose boards, broken boards, loose railing or missing railing? Screws sticking out?
Are these structures effective? Are they looking old and worn out? Are rules signs fading? Are vehicles going around blockades?